Lipstick cameras = video cameras similar in size to containers of lipstick. For the most part these miniature cameras, also known as “bullet cameras” are small, versatile video cameras used in a wide variety of applications due to their size and ability to go where most “normal sized” cameras cannot. Depending on application needs, there are a variety of lipstick cameras available in the market that;
  • Store images on small internal storage devices or
  • Broadcast a signal to a receiver,
  • Are available in weather resistant and "ruggedized" configurations (for use in outdoor applications and in rough conditions like race cars. bicycle races or helmet-mounted skateboarding filming)
  • Are available in either monochrome (black and white) or color models and there are even a few that can pick up sound or infrared
The image quality on a lipstick camera varies as well from;
  • Industrial grade cameras that are high quality cameras with great resolution but can be expensive, to
  • Consumer grade cameras that record large amounts of footage, but the footage usually comes out grainy and most likely a little more flawed than you were hoping for (cheaper cameras=lower quality).
There are several different manufacturers of both consumer and industrial grade lipstick cameras that range in price from ridiculously expensive to ridiculously cheap.  Most average consumers try to find a mid range camera from camera and photo shops or retailers like Best Buy and Frys.  While these cameras may do the trick for you, their life spans are typically found to be about 1/3 of the life spans of industrial cameras. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Toshiba Lipstick Camera with Accessories"]Toshiba Lipstick Camera with Accessories[/caption] Industrial grade cameras, due their ruggedized design are preferred among enginners and industry professionals, despite cost.  The cost of an industrial grade lipstick camera is typically not an issue because the added benefits of going with industrial grade far outweigh the means. Benefits include;
  • Purchasing the camera from a distributor typically gives you access to tech support people who will help troubleshoot getting your camera up and running,
  • Increased lifespan and durability means you are not having to replace your camera every three years, most likely you will eventually want to upgrade but if you don't you can usually get up to 10 years out of your industrial camera
There are a number of uses for lipstick cameras including:
  • Broadcasting
    • In films, television shows and sporting events ( a lipstick camera may be mounted to a helmet or automobile for point of view shots)
  • Used as security or surveillance cameras (small enough to be discreet)
Last night on an episode of Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs", Mike Rowe mentioned having to switch to a lipstick camera in order to film the inside of a machines he was working with because it had to be small in order to get inside to see what was going on.  On Discovery Channel's other hit game show, Cash Cab, they use several lipstick cameras stationed around the inside of the cab to film the passengers particpating in the game. "Point-of-view" shots were also taken by tiny HD "lipstick cameras" during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing that placed viewers right in the game alongside the athletes. These are only a few of the instances where lipstick cameras have been used and the number of applications they work well in is endless.  Before purchasing a lipstick camera, really do your research to determine the minimum quality you will need from your camera in addition to the maximim price you are willing to pay for it.  Given the hundreds of cameras available on the market, there is one out there that will best fit your needs.